Literacy Information
School Foundational Literacy Plan
Lake Elementary School
Allison Brignac
Literacy Goal:
By May 2024, the number of students in grades K-3 meeting the DIBELS composite benchmark will increase by at least 5% from 72% at or above benchmark (22-23 EOY) to 77% at or above benchmark (23-24 EOY).
What is the amount of time to be devoted daily to foundational literacy skills? Describe how the instructional time will be utilized?
In grades K-3, a minimum of 120 minutes per day is devoted as instructional time for development of foundational literacy skills. The majority of this instructional time is dedicated for Tier 1 core instruction of foundational literacy. All students engage in core instruction which aligns to all strands of literacy development, including all strands of Word Recognition and Language Comprehension. At least 30 minutes of the 120 minute block is reserved for daily literacy intervention for students who have been identified as having literacy skills below grade level. Students who are performing on grade level engage in reinforcement of foundational literacy while peers receive intervention.
List the English language arts textbooks and instructional materials adopted by the school.
The following instructional materials have been adopted:
- Amplify CKLA Skills Edition 2 grades K-3
- Louisiana Guidebooks K-2
- Louisiana Guidebooks 2022 grade 3
Describe the interventions and supports available to students identified as having literacy skills below grade level.
Through the use of the LDOE approved literacy screener and high-quality assessments available through the core curriculum, students are universally assessed and identified if having literacy skills below grade level. Students with literacy skills below grade level:
- receive specific, intensive and systematic instruction on foundational skills for at least 30 minutes per day for five days a week
- receive explicit instruction within flexible, small groups of students
- receive instruction that targets specific skills for which the students have shown deficit; mCLASS intervention and CKLA intervention instructional materials are utilized
- have opportunities for guided and independent practice with feedback from the teacher
- are progress monitored bi-weekly
Describe the professional development in foundational literacy skills instruction provided to teachers who teach kindergarten through third grade.
All teachers in grades K-3 receive 60 hours of professional development in foundational literacy skills instruction via the LDOE-approved course AIM Pathways to Proficient Reading.
Additionally, our K-3 teachers receive professional development for high-quality implementation of Amplify CKLA Skills curriculum provided by qualified vendor trainers, high-quality implementation of Guidebooks via trained ELA content leaders, and high-quality implementation of and analysis of literacy screeners via trainers trained by the assessment vendor.
Describe the ways families are engaged in students’ literacy.
School staff provide frequent, regular opportunities for two -way communication between teachers and families. At least three times per year, teachers communicate to families the following important information:
- results of each student’s literacy screener
- the progress made between screening periods
- the core instruction and interventions given to each individual student
- specific ways that families can support continued progress at home.
A variety of options are offered to parents for these conferences in the beginning, middle and end of the year. Families can meet in person or remotely with teachers. Additionally, written communication is always given to parents, with two-way communication options presented.
School staff provide multiple ways for families to engage in students’ literacy experiences:
- The Family Support Toolkit is shared with all families to offer grade-level specific ways for families to engage in literacy at home. Digital and print access to this toolkit is made available.
- Social Media is utilized to share family literacy activities. A few different activities are shared per week.
- Family literacy events will occur throughout the year including Breakfast with Books and Family Book Fair Nights.